Already a Foster Carer?
If you are already a Foster Carer with an independent fostering agency or another Local Authority, we would love to hear from you. As a transfer, your assessment will be prioritised, as we know you already have the experience and skills to foster. And, as a Local Authority Foster Carer, you will always be our first choice when seeking a foster home for a young person in our care.
We have a dedicated Transfer Hub within our Fostering Recruitment team. These social workers are experienced in assessing transferring Foster Carers, working in partnership with your current agency to make the process as swift and smooth for you as possible.

If you transfer to us you will benefit from:
Being part of a fostering service which works to the ground-breaking Secure Base model
Dedicted support from highly skilled and experienced Social Workers, with regular one-to-one supervision
A comprehensive training package tailored to your needs
A competitive financial package of up to £30,000 per child and more for our specialist fostering schemes
Out-of-hours support, so you are never left to cope with difficult situations alone
Membership of The Fostering Network and the United Foster Carers Association
Support groups, which run regular events across the county
A specialist link to therapeutic intervention services and counselling services if needed
Professional support & competitive pay
Thinking of transferring to West Sussex?
To get in touch, complete our quick online enquiry form or give us a call. Our phone lines are open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday but you can leave us a message outside of these hours and we'll call you back.